Weekly Announcements

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tread Lightly....

We started our NEW PBL this week on "Tread Lightly" 

This is our standard PBL wall in the hallway to go along with our unit, doing this allows students to have a visual on where we are in the PBL and where we are going. 
This is the song we sing each day to remind us of how precious the Earth is! 

On Monday students walked all over the Earth poster you see here, after a few hours we took the poster up and talked about how it was important to "tread lightly" on our Earth. We then listed ways we ruin the Earth everyday. 

We are also doing Non-Fiction text features this week so we pulled out an article from the Scholastic Magazine and discussed the different features we noticed. Creating this noticing chart allowed students to see how all of the nonfiction text features work together in an article to make it more appealing to the reader. 

To go along with the "Tread Lightly" PBL and to teach students how important it is not to dump waste, trash, etc. in the water we completed an activity with different scenarios that all led to dumping products in the water that harm the animals that live there. Students had to draw each scenario and answer the question...How is Freddy now?
We started with clean water and had one of the "farmers" dump soil in the water.  

 This is the end result after adding soil, fertilizer, trash, chemicals, wastewater, oil, etc. into the water.

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