Weekly Announcements

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

1st Nine Weeks Awards

Congratulations to these hard workers! 
All A's 

Zachary Lazurick, Aaron Williams, Kendall Johnson, Kaylee Jolley, Morgan Campbell, Emily Humphries, Jason Ledbetter, CeCe Dardeau, Emma Wood, and Emily Poore *Not pictured* Davis Jones
**Zachary Lazurick also had a PERFECT score on the PASS test last year** Way to go Zachary! 

A/B Honor Roll

Eddie Knopp, Zachary Wilhere, Brianna Cooper, and Sophie Norton 

Perfect Attendance 
Jason Ledbetter, Zachary Wilhere, Jake Wyatt, Emma Wood, Kendall Johnson, Zachary Lazurick, CeCe Dardeau, and Emily Poore

Above 100 BC level for 1st Nine Weeks (Above 180 steps) 
Jake Wyatt, Zachary Lazurick, CeCe Dardeau, Emma Wood, Emily Humphries, and Emily Poore

Way to go Allstars! You all make me so proud! 
Love, Mrs. Gault 

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