Weekly Announcements

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


We are taking a different approach here at OES for learning. We want our 4th graders to become THINKERS in REAL WORLD situations. The first PBL our 4th grade will be working on is determine how big our Carbon Footprint is and how we can take the information we have learned and better our environment. The first week of school we collected our snack trash to see just how many pieces were accumulated over one week...........Our class collected 54 pieces of trash the first week. The second week we tried to think smart with the trash we used and we cut down our trash to just 30 pieces. We are making BIG changes in our classroom! 

We also participated in the "One Small Square" activity to see how to make detailed observations. We read the book One Small Square:Backyard by Donald Silver and headed outside with our shovels, squares, and pencils to observe. We used our 5 senses to make observations and soon we will determine how we can help our environment one small square at a time.

What will we think of next?????

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