Weekly Announcements

Friday, September 6, 2013

Final Products

The class worked SO hard on their Native American homes. Here are the finished products!

Jonathan and Autumn built their "Chickee" and made another box for the campfire.

 Dayawna and Patrick made the "Earth Lodge."
 Natalie and Alesia worked so hard to build the perfect "Hogan."
 Kate, Anna Leigh, and Shaun made the "Longhouse" they also built their very own front porch, to add an extra touch they added the Native American by the front porch.
Plankhouse" built by Bryce, Brady and Cole
 The "Pueblo"  constructed by Owen and Sydney
 "Tepee" built by Ellie and Emily...notice the Native American outside of the tepee.
 "Wigwam" built by Austin, Wilson and Leilah, notice the land around the wigwam and the small pond they built

1 comment:

  1. Dear Class,

    I am completely in "awe" of your work! Wow, you guys are doing a wonderful job. I love seeing your Native American Homes...truly picture perfect! You are a very creative, hard-working group. It's also obvious that you work well together. Collaborating is a very important skill, not just for school but for life! I'm glad to see you are "Making Success Happen" as you work together! I cannot wait to see what else you all come up with! Thank you for sharing!

    Dr. P
