Weekly Announcements

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Welcome to 4th Grade!

We have been busy the past two weeks! I have really enjoyed getting to know each of your daughters so far. Below you will find what we have been up to since school started. We have participated in many team building activities and experiments so the girls can learn all about
TEAMwork and friendship. I try to update our class Facebook page daily, be sure to check this out to keep informed about what is going on in our classroom. 

Reading their reading responses from the blog for independent reading time. 
Here are a few examples of the reading responses on the SEESAW class feed. 

Learning about empathy while reading the novel, Wonder. 
Gummy bear experiment to practice the Scientific Method. 

'Zumba with our little sisters :) 

1 comment:

  1. Gambling Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
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