Weekly Announcements

Saturday, October 3, 2015

All About Water

This week we went to the Wonder Room to learn about the water cycle from the Upstate Water Shed program. Students had the opportunity to travel through the water cycle as a tiny water droplet. When students returned to the classroom they wrote about their experiences through narratives and comics.

The next day, Avery and his father installed our very own weather station outside of the classroom. With this water station we can measure how much rain we receive, the temperature, the wind speed, and the wind direction. We are super excited about this station and we go out everyday after lunch to discuss the weather and how much rain we have received. 
We also have this rain gauge beside the weather station because it holds more rain. When we left on Friday we were up to 2 inches. 

Students exploring the new station and Avery explaining what it is. 
Thank you Mr. Violett for coming and installing this for the students to use! 

Later on that day students went through stations to participate in different activities involving the water cycle. Students matched vocabulary words, illustrated the water cycle on their iPad, and constructed a landform with mountains and valleys so they could see what happened when we poured water on it. Can anyone comment below and tell me what happened when we poured water on the landform? You will get a special surprise :) 
Student creations on the iPad about the water cycle. 
By: Holden Mace
By: Caroline 

Need help remembering the water cycle? Watch these videos to help! 

Magic School Bus Episode 

We also discussed clouds this week and the three different types: Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus, here is a video to refresh your memory if needed. 

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