Weekly Announcements

Friday, October 9, 2015

Face Time with Chris Justus

To go with our weather unit the entire 4th grade spoke with Chris Justus from WYFF. He showed us all around the news station and answered many questions from the students. 

Students took notes and when we went back we watched the live forecast on the computer. Thank you so much for making this opportunity happen Mr. Justus!
Students, what did you learn from speaking to Mr. Justus this week?? Comment on the blog to earn 5 extra points on your science test this week! 


  1. I learned that he wanted to be a weatherman because he was interested in how the weather affected the farm that he grew up on. Abigail

  2. I learned that Meteorologist sometimes go into dangerous situations to report the weather, but not usually. Avery

  3. I learned that he was amazed by the weather and that is where his passion started. His father was a farm boy. He used to work at the TN weather station. Harley
