Weekly Announcements

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome Back

I am super excited about seeing everyone on Monday! I hope you all have had a wonderful break..I sure have besides Harper getting diagnosed with the FLU on Friday, she is doing better but keep her in your prayers! 
!Remember don't come to school if you are running a fever or feeling bad! 
First thing Monday morning I will be collecting reading logs-please be sure you DON'T forget these and be sure you have filled them up and added to them if necessary! Who will have the most STEPS read? AND which class will win *Pancakes with the Principal??* Mrs. Gault's Class is in it to WIN IT! 
Here are a few pictures of Harper and the students who have posted to #OESREAD! 
This is when Harper was diagnosed with the FLU and she still wanted to READ! 

Reading by the Christmas tree. 

Emily P. reading on the trampoline.  

Emma reading in her comfy bed! 

Will reading by the cozy fire. 

Zachary W. reading with his pajamas on! 

This week we will be working on writing up our action plans so be sure you bring what you need to school (pictures, documents, letters, final products, etc) so you can write all about it! Before Christmas we went to the Polar Express and I found these really neat recycled jewelry pieces, this proves that you can make a difference and even a profit off of your action plan! These 2 pieces were BOTH over $25.00! 

What will YOU do to CHANGE THE WORLD??

\We will also begin POETRY this week- one of the coolest types of poetry I think you will enjoy is this: 

Any ideas on what this is called? Comment on the blog and guess correctly to get a sit outside pass when you return! 

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