Weekly Announcements

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Migration Hopscotch

Wetlands are an important factor to insure the success of bird migration. These habitat areas (Ponds, lakes, wetlands and marshes) are needed for food, shelter and water for many birds, insects and animals. Wetlands also play an important role in improving the quality of ground water. Without these habitat areas birds would not have the energy to make the migration trek from areas as far south as Panama in the case of the Belted Kingfisher. This activity is designed to increase the awareness for the need to protect wetlands as a habitat for migrating waterfowl. And the importance wetlands play in cleaning our water.
Students had to become a bird migrating from Indiana to Florida. Students had to understand the hardship for the birds when there are less wetlands. Each hopscotch area represents one trip to or from Florida (or designated state) for the bird.

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