Weekly Announcements

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Choose Kind

Parents MARK your calendars! 
This Friday, October 10th at 8:30 students will be dedicating the "Buddy Bench" to OES. Since the first day of school students have been reading the book Wonder by RJ Palacio, practicing Random Acts of Kindness, writing letters to inform others of the harmful effects of bullying, asking questions to BSMS about bullying, and finally building a buddy bench for students to go to when they feel lonely and need a friend on the playground. 
This bench will be for the entire school so all grades will watch as the 4th Graders cut the ribbon to dedicate the bench and a few 4th Graders will be speaking on how to use the bench and why it is important to "Choose Kind" and why bullying is so harmful in today's society. This day is ALSO Auggie Pullman's birthday in the book Wonder so students will be celebrating this day with cupcakes and kind words to all! All parents are welcome so if you are available this day please come to see this event! More details will be on the newsletter this week!

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Gault's Class,
    This is such a great project. We are very excited about the Buddy Bench at OES. It is so important to know as much as we can about being kind to others. No bullies allowed at OES!
    Mrs. Daniel's Class
