Weekly Announcements

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Supply List for Mrs. Gault's Class

Please have the following items when coming to school on the first day. If you have any questions please contact me at (Brandy.Gault@Spartanburg2.k12.SC.US)


2 plastic pocket folders (hole-punched)

Multiple packs of #2 pencils

1 package colored pencils

Pencil pouch

Several packs of notebook paper – wide ruled

Multiple white glue sticks

1 ½” Three ring binder with dividers (6 dividers)

10 clear sheet protectors

3 marble covered composition notebook with sewn in pages

2 Highlighters

1 package of dry erase markers

1 package of washable markers

2 packs of sticky notes

3 packs of index cards

1 container of Clorox Wipes

Optional: Scissors, Kleenex, and Hand Sanitizer, Small treats/prizes


Please arrange your child’s binder in the following way:

1st – a clear sheet protector labeled Newsletter

2nd- plastic two pocket folder labeled Take Home Folder

3rd- another clear sheet protector labeled Homework

4th – a divider labeled: Morning Work

5th – a divider labeled: Social Studies or (SS) followed by 2 sheet protectors and 20

pieces of notebook paper

6th– a divider labeled: Reading followed by two sheet protectors

and 20 pieces of notebook paper

7th – a divider labeled ELA followed by a sheet protector and

20 pieces of notebook paper

*Pencils, glue, colored pencils, and scissors in pencil pouch*

**Place extra dividers and sheet protectors in the back of binder**

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