Weekly Announcements

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fancy Flowering Plants

    FANCY FLOWERING PLANTS                        

We are learning about flowering plants. You should always give them water, sun, and light. Plants can make their own food. The flowering plants, also known as angiosperm, are the most diverse group of land plants. These characteristics include flower, endosperm within seeds. The ancestors of flowering plants diverse from gymnosperms around 245-202 million years ago, and the first flowering plants are known to exist are from 160 million years ago. It replaced conifers as the dominant trees only around 60-100 million years ago.  
This picture is of a bee pollinating a beautiful flower.

               Plants Are Beautiful

                  Plants do much more than just add more beauty to our world! Plants give us the food we eat and are useful in many ways. Lettuce and spinach the leaves of plants.                                                    
 If you eat carrots or beets you are eating roots. Celery and asparagus are stems. Broccoli and cauliflower are flowers. Rice and beans are seeds. You may think all fruits are sweet, but tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits, too.                                                                                            
This is a cool picture of an aster! An aster is a star shaped flower.

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