Weekly Announcements

Friday, October 11, 2013

Walk To School With Super Powers!

Walk to School Week!
We had the chance to dress up every day this week and took full advantage of it! On Wednesday, we celebrated Walk to School Day with a guest speaker who talked about safety when walking or riding a bike, especially on Halloween, and athletes from Boiling Springs High School and Wofford College who shared what it means to be a hero.
We celebrated Muscle Monday by dressing like the Incredible Hulk.
On Telephone Booth Tuesday, we dressed like Clark Kent.
We dressed as our favorite superheroes for Walk to School Wednesday.
Our class made an awesome banner and everyone signed it!

Our guest speakers for the day.

Dr. Patterson and Mrs. Skinner are Oakland Superheroes!!

We had a lot of fun walking, and skipping, around the school!
We celebrated on Transport Leer Jet Thursday by dressing as Wonder Woman with wristbands, headbands, and red clothes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog All About It!

Blog All About It!

We have been studying classification in science.  The students worked in groups to create blog entries that share
what they have learned.  We looked at old posts on this blog, looked back at our notes on classification,
and took turns working on the computers.
They used their books and notes to create rough drafts. 

Then they took turns on the computers to type up their blog entries.

Finally, the groups presented their work and gave each other feedback by
Telling something they liked, Asking a question, and Giving a suggestion.

Very Valuable Vertebrates

Very      Valuable      Vertebrates


Did you know that you are a part of the group of vertebrates. There are not as many species as invertebrates. Vertebrates have an internal skull and their big in size. Some examples are parrots, humans, lions, tigers, snakes, bears etc. They have five groups such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

             By: Autumn, Cole, Wilson, Leilah , Alesia

This is a diagram of a vertebrate you can see the backbone.

This is a mammal it's a vertebrate.

This is a bird it is a vertebrate.
An amphibian it has a backbone.
This is a reptile it is a vertebrate and has a backbone.

The Invertebrates

The    Invertebrates


      Animals  have  a  lot  of  differences  and  similarities  one  difference  is  how  their  bodies  are  shaped. Invertebrates have no backbone for example………

A Lady bug has no backbone.

There are lots of kinds of Invertebrates. More than 95 out of animals are invertebrates. Ants and earthworms can fit in your palm of your hand.        

A snail has no backbone but it has a shell.
 ants and worms


There are sea creatures that have no backbone like a sponge and a sea urchin and jellyfish.
A sponge is a living thing.

A jellyfish has no backbone and it lives in the water.                                                                      
A sea urchins live in the ocean, and has no backbone.  

                                                       So now do you get Invertebrates?


By: Anna Leigh, Elizabeth Shaun, Dayawna, Austin

Fancy Flowering Plants

    FANCY FLOWERING PLANTS                        

We are learning about flowering plants. You should always give them water, sun, and light. Plants can make their own food. The flowering plants, also known as angiosperm, are the most diverse group of land plants. These characteristics include flower, endosperm within seeds. The ancestors of flowering plants diverse from gymnosperms around 245-202 million years ago, and the first flowering plants are known to exist are from 160 million years ago. It replaced conifers as the dominant trees only around 60-100 million years ago.  
This picture is of a bee pollinating a beautiful flower.

               Plants Are Beautiful

                  Plants do much more than just add more beauty to our world! Plants give us the food we eat and are useful in many ways. Lettuce and spinach the leaves of plants.                                                    
 If you eat carrots or beets you are eating roots. Celery and asparagus are stems. Broccoli and cauliflower are flowers. Rice and beans are seeds. You may think all fruits are sweet, but tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits, too.                                                                                            
This is a cool picture of an aster! An aster is a star shaped flower.

Non-Flowering Plants


This is a fern a Non-flowering  plant
  Non-flowering plants are those plants that make seeds within cones or produce spores instead of Non-flowering plants pines. Spruce or cedar trees that produce cones ferns. Mosses and lichens that produce spores. These spores are arranged at the bottom of a fern frond or leaf. They contain many tiny spores. Most Non-flowering seeds plants are Evergreen. Evergreen are trees that lose a few leaves at a time and grow new leaves replace them. As a result the trees always look green.

By: Patrick, Owen, Natalie, Breazia, and Luke


         How seeds scatter

This is a pinecone that falls on the ground and becomes a new tree.
  Seeds are scattered in many ways. Some seeds have wings like structures that can be carried by the wind. Other seeds have hooks that stick to the fur of an animal. The seeds travel with the animal. When an animal eats fruit the seeds pass through its body, and then get left behind. Under the right conditions it can grow into a new plant.


This is a full-grown spore.
      Spores grow inside through spore cases. The cases protect the spores from open the spores are released. They drift through the air and then settle. Spores that land on the damp ground can grow into moss or fern plants.