Weekly Announcements

Friday, September 13, 2013

1-2-3..BLAST OFF!!!

To go along with our unit on  safety procedures and steps of a simple scientific investigation we built our very own paper rockets to launch. Students had to create a testable question for their experiment, make predictions, decide the manipulated variable and finally test out the infamous rockets with the launcher. Here are a few pictures from our experiments....


  1. I am really excited to hear that you all are redesigning your prototypes! This is so important to what we do in the real world. If it doesn't work as well the first time, we don't quit...we reflect on what worked, what didn't work, and try it again! This is resilience and grit! This is how we grow and learn! So, with the changes you are making, what do you predict will happen this time? Not only are you guys learning a lot about the world around you, you're also learning a lot about life! I would have loved to have been a 4th grader at Oakland!

    I am proud of you guys.

    "Make Success Happen!"

    Dr. P

  2. That looked so cool.I bet you all had a good time out there.Our class had a good time too.Who's scientific rocket went the farthest and what was the length of it?I bet whoever won was excited.

    -Cameron M.
