Having trouble memorizing the Preamble by next Tuesday? Here is a video that may help!
Weekly Announcements
Monday, February 9, 2015
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Can you dig it man??
On Friday students participated in the first ever Poetry Café at Oakland Elementary. Students recited poems they wrote themselves or by famous poets that they have grown to love over the past few weeks during our poetry unit. We also incorporated the 50's Beatnik Theme so the students and parents would get the real feel of the Beatnik Poetry Cafe theme. Thanks to everyone who sent items in and helped set up and a big thanks to everyone who came to show your support for all of the students. They all did a fabulous job and we even had one parent present her favorite poem, Mrs. Jones, and she did wonderful as well!
The Articles of Confederation...Well they were trying!!
To help students understand the weaknesses of the AOC and it not providing common currency, the students played "The Articles of Confederation ...Well they were trying" game. They were presented with different desirable items to buy (IPAD, shopping spree, basketball goal, beach vacation, etc). After working through this activity students were shown that when the AOC did not create a common currency, it presented problems for the Americans.
Solar System with Cereal
On Friday students made a model of the solar system using the following materials: string, cheerios, fruit loops, and one honey comb.
wene we made our ceral solar systems we started with a honey comb sun . Then we added fruit loops for planets and the cheerios for the leangths between them . Did you know the distance for one cheerio is 30,000,000 miles!!!! Wene we fineshed we tied the tip off and drew our creations in our science note books .By: Chase Sweat
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
3 Branches of Government
Having trouble with the 3 branches of government??? Here are a couple of videos that should help you remember. Remember they all have EQUAL power!
I'm on a BOAT- a magnetic boat that is....
The task: Can you build a boat the size of 2 index cards that can be pulled by a magnetic force?
Students were only given $15.00 at the STEM store to buy the materials they thought they would need to build the best boat possible.
Students were only given $15.00 at the STEM store to buy the materials they thought they would need to build the best boat possible.
The boats are ready to start the race!
The STEM store
Boat 1
Boat 2
Boat 3
Boat 4
Boat 5
Boat 6
The winners of the STEM boat challenge! This team covered their boat completely with tin foil and didn't use tape so the boat wouldn't sink. Great thinking guys and congratulations!