Weekly Announcements

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Trending this week!

First, let me say the 4th grade hallway really looks AMAZING! We are so pleased with the hard work all of the students have put forth during this PBL, "Tread Lightly." Here are a few pictures of the hallway right now.

Great work 4th Graders!!!
Exciting News from Mrs. Gault's Class:
All A's 
CeCe Dardeau
Emily Humphries
Kendall Johnson
Zachary Lazurick
Annlee Grace Ryan
Davis Jones
Will Waddell
Sophie Norton
Chase Sweat 
Aaron Williams
Kaylee Jolley
Emma Wood
Emily Poore

All A/B's 
Morgan Campbell
Brianna Cooper
Kaden Humphries
Eddie Knopp
Zacahary Wilhere
Jason Ledbetter 
Jake Wyatt

Terrific Kids 
Eric Colwell and Jake Wyatt
Terrific Kid for Mrs. Kanipe- Zachary Wilhere! 

Congrats to our class for reading the MOST steps over holiday break! Last Friday we celebrated by having pancakes with the principals! Great job kiddos! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Changing the World

In the conclusion of our Tread Lightly PBL, students created their own "ACTION PLAN" that they believed would make a difference in the world. All students worked on these action plans since before the holidays and when they were finished they came back to school and documented the difference they made in the world by writing all about it and then constructing their own presentation to present to the class and others in the community. A few students in my class actually had the opportunity to share their action plan with over 30 educators from a different school. I will be posting the videos of the action plan presentations daily.
Here are a few videos of the presentation students were able to participate in last Thursday. 

Our Mr. Wonder was able to do his daily "Wonderopolis" talk with teachers instead of students on Thursday. This is him in action! Way to go, Chase!

Emma presenting

CeCe presenting about Project Based Learning 
Kaylee presenting her action plan

Davis presenting his action plan

Brianna and Kaylee presenting

First, let me take a "selfie"

This week students wrote diamante poems about them"selfies" then took a selfie to go along with it. After students took their selfie we cut it in half and had them draw the other side. Students REALLY enjoyed this activity because they were able to highlight  some of their special features and then write about what they enjoyed doing and what/who they loved. Here are a few pictures.