Weekly Announcements

Saturday, November 29, 2014

We are thankful....

Thanksgiving lunch at OES was a success! I enjoyed seeing everyone and their families! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am THANKFUL for all of you!

Crime Scene: DO NOT ENTER!

Recently 4th graders  studied the Boston Massacre, we learned that during the BM British soldiers shot and killed 5 colonists........ HOWEVER on this day it was up to the 4th grade students to decide if it was self defense or murder. Students studied primary source documents, listened to different viewpoints from that day, and investigated different pieces of evidence in the Wonder Room. All students kept track of their notes in their detective journals and when we were done investigating they came back to the classroom and stated what they believed was the truth. Many students thought it was self defense and many thought it was murder but all of the students had great responses and evidence to support their reasoning. Here are a few pictures from the crime scene:


Updated Trash Count

We had a terrible start counting our snack trash... over 100 pieces on our first week! However, the 2nd week was MUCH better! We had counted 73 pieces... this is still a lot of trash and we are going to work on reducing again but we were happy to see we reduced our trash together as a class.

Edible Landfill

We have been learning about the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) so at the end of the unit we learned exactly where all our trash goes, the landfill! (A place where trash is buried) Students constructed a cross-diagram of the landfill and the layers that it consisted of then they were able to build an edible landfill and enjoy the tasty treat! Here are a few pictures of our yummy treats! 
Our ingredients 
 (Thank you to all the parents who donated all of these)