Weekly Announcements

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Genius Hour

Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. First, I challenged students to explore something they want to learn about. They will spend several weeks researching the chosen topic before they start creating a product that will be shared with the class/school/world. Deadlines are limited and creativity is encouraged. Throughout the process I facilitate the student projects to ensure that they are on task. Before beginning GENIUS HOUR I showed the class this video...
After showing this video I gave the student a list of topics in history they could choose to research. Students were not limited to these topics-if they were interested in another topic in history I allowed them to research this topic as long as they could have enough research to present to the class.
Here are a few pictures of the students starting to work

we were useing pic collage to make a poster for 9/11. we got alot of cool pictures of it. i like useing pic collage because its a cool way to make posters. By. Owen jackson.


Monday, May 19, 2014

STEM-Building towers out of marshmellows and noodles...which will stand????

Group One:

Group Two: we made structures out of marshmellows and noodles. It didnt work because Natalie touched it when when the wind blew on it. We tore the marshmellows apart to get more supplies we also did that to the noodles. if we did this again we would try keeping the marshmellows together so the structure would hold. By:Cole Robinson

Group Three: we needed create a tall structure that could withstand the wind. we gave each marshmello support from the sticks depending how high the marshmello was giving a stronge and tall structure. By: Bryce callahan

Brainstorming the sculptures that we will create

Relay for Life

 Here are pictures from our Mini Relay for Life at Oakland!