Weekly Announcements

Friday, November 29, 2013

Final Products

After working many days on the cat condos they are FINALLY complete! Take a look at the final products!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Field trip to Brattonsville

In this picture we were getting ready to shoot the
muskets. By: Natalie Gazdovich


This is us looking at the tomb stone of Watt.
This is a replica of the tombstone, a replica
means a copy of it. By: Owen Jackson

We had the BEST time at Brattonsville despite the cold weather! Students will be posting on the blog about each picture and what  they learned...stay tuned!
In this picture we are looking at the replica of Watt's tombstone. I felt like I was looking at the real tombstone. By: Wilson Marlowe

In this picture we are shooting a musket from the Revolutionary War. I think it was pretty cool but the little wooden musket felt weird in my hands. By: Shaun Sanford

We are marching towards the battlefield. I thought this was awesome because we got to carry a fake musket. By: Kate Philbeck

This is me and I am freezing my bones off. In this picture we were walking towards the patriots house. By:Brady Clark

We had a awesome time at Brattonsville even though it was FREEZING cold!  -Avery Plummer

This is a picture of our class at Brattonsville we had a fun time and hope we can come back soon. -Autumn Lockhart

I hope next time we go on a field trip we can go to Brattonsville. -Leilah Smith

I really had an awesome time at Brattonsville, we did lots of fun things like picking cotton and learned how a musket works. I hope I can visit another time. -Jonathan Hopkins

I had a terrific time at Brattonsville, my favorite part was marching with the musket. -Cole Robinson

We had a awesome time at Brattonsville with our friends, I hope we can go there one more time. -Owen Jackson

This is us going back on the charter buses with our class, I hope if we come back it won't be soooo cold. -Breazia Norman

I had a great time, the eyes on the pictures at the plantation house were really SPOOKY because they followed us out of the room. -Bryce Callahan

We had a great time with our family (our class)- Natalie Gazdovich

We had a great time and my favorite part was when the eyes followed us out of the plantation house. -Austin Padgett


Friday, November 8, 2013

Taking a walk on the WILD side with Mrs. Gault's 4th grade

As you might know, at Oakland Elementary School we teach using an exciting new approach to learning called Problem/Project Learning. PBLs usually begin by posing questions to the students.  We start with an interesting topic; basically something they can “dig into,” question, and research. These problems or projects give students a chance to apply the skills they learn in school to relevant and real-world situations. In our NEW unit,  “Walk on the Wild Side,”   we will work on several projects which will strengthen our reading, writing, science, and math skills. In addition, we will be creating, designing, debating, and interviewing experts in the field. 
As our first project we are creating cat condos to donate to the Humane Society. Here are a few pictures of our recent work.

Emily and Avery working on the IPAD to find out likes and dislikes of a cat

Anna Leigh and Wilson researching on the computer

Students researching on the IPAD

Patrick and Shaun writing down information they found while researching

Kate Autumn and Natalie measuring their box

Bryce and Patrick measuring their box

Shaun Jonathan and Owen trying to figure out how big they should make the windows for their box

Anna Leigh Ellie and Emily planning

Sydney measuring her box

Avery and Cole discussing where they should put the doors on their cat condo

Austin drawing his elevations for his cat condo